Pastor Horace Light - Interim Pastor
Pastor Horace D. Light, Jr. was born July 28, 1941 to Horace D. Light, Sr. and Ruth Wertz Light. He grew up in the Back Creek/Poages Mill community and was baptized at Poages Mill Church in September, 1957. He attended Back Creek Elementary School and after graduating from Cave Spring High School attended National Business College.
Pastor Light was licensed to the ministry at the Poages Mill Church of the Brethren in 1959. He was married to Doris Prillaman for 62 years. He has a son (Mark Light) and a daughter (Diane Tyler).
He was ordained at the Cave Rock Church of the Brethren on December 1, 1968 and worked at Tultex Corporation from 1959-2000.
He served as a Bi-Vocational Pastor at the following Church of the Brethren congregations: Oakvale - 5 Years; Ninevah - 5 Years; Cave Rock - 3 Years; Mount Union - 14 Years.
Pastor Light served as a full-time Pastor at the Hollins Road Church of the Brethren - 16 Years; As Interim Pastor at the following Church of the Brethren congregations: New Hope, Poages Mill (twice), Mount Union, Copper Hill (twice), Pleasant Dale, and Red Oak Grove.
He has served the Virlina District in the following positions: District Board, Commission on Ministry, Discipleship & Reconciliation Committee, and the District Ethics Committee.
He has two granddaughters: Michaelia and Hannah. His interests are reading, family, camping, and travel.